Part of the re-parenting process is the process of shifting our self-talk.
I like to imagine that every time I think something in my head, I am talking to myself and my inner child. I have a rule: If I wouldn’t say it to my physical son or daughter, I won’t think it about myself in my head.
For me, I find my thoughts are powerful. If I am constantly thinking negative things about myself, I quickly feel energetically low. When I shift out of it, even if it feels fake in the beginning, things change quickly for me.
I know what it is like to hear the constant stream of inner critic going on and on in your own head. Maybe you learnt that tone from one of your parents, maybe you don’t know where it came from. But it goes on and on. Anyone know what I am talking about?
Our inner child deserves to hear a kinder message. She needs to know she IS loveable, safe and courageous. She needs to be validated, to know she has always done her best. She needs all of those messages from YOU.
The more of those messages she hears from you, the more she will trust you as her loving parent. As you build the inner well of self-love and self-acceptance, the tendency to do anything to be loved and accepted by others reduces. You feel stronger internally, more solid somehow and sure of yourself. I have seen it time and time again.
Maybe highlight a few of these messages that really resonate with YOUR inner child and repeat them to her / him a few times a day.
For this week I am going to work with ‘You didn’t deserve what happened to you’. Let me know which ones you choose and how you go.