If this resonates with you, you will love my FREE gift to you this Mother’s Day – my ‘Heal the Mother Wound’ e-book.In it, you will find:6 steps you can take to heal the “mother wound”identify the ‘mother wound’identify your …
Tag: healing journey

Safe Haven
All relationships go through ups and downs. When you iron out all the ups and down, be in a in a relationship that feels like a safe haven from the world outside.

We Need More Empathic People In Leadership Roles
I would love to see more empathy in leadership. Empathy—the ability to understand and share another person’s feelings—is not just a nice-to-have; it’s a must-have in leadership today. Empathic leaders are pivotal because they create environments where trust and cooperation …

Couple Conversations
Conversations with the people closest to us can sometimes be the most difficult. This structured approach can help you navigate your conversations with more empathy and understanding, fostering a stronger emotional connection, which can be the foundation of a secure …

The More Assertive You Become, The Less Resentful You Will Feel.
So many people ask me, “How do I become more assertive?” Being assertive involves facing your fears—whether it’s the fear of rejection, being laughed at, or dismissed. Remember, the more assertive you become, the less resentful you will feel. It’s …

Tell Your Family History
When things are a family secret, other members of the family often know that something isn’t right. When the secret is revealed, there is often a sense of ‘Ah…now so much in my life makes sense!’ When a member of …

Inner Critic
The aim with the inner critic is to befriend it rather than try to eradicate it. Most of us have tried to eliminate it, and it is still there, so clearly, that doesn’t work. What does work is to turn …