When you are avoidantly attached, dating can feel like a complete minefield. You might have had people tell you that you are aloof, a closed book, secretive or not open to a relationship, even when you would like a relationship …
Tag: dating

Been Ghosted? Here’s Some Help
Follow @psychotherapy.central for more tips on how to do your inner work and form healthier, lasting relationships. With this practice, we can swap the word ‘ghosted’ for ‘triggered’. It is natural to feel triggered when you have been ghosted. Most …

Why Do People Ghost?
I’ll follow up this week with more information about ghosting, including why it hurts so much and what to do about it.

Setting Boundaries when Dating
Dating boundaries are important because they reflect the kinds of boundaries we have in other parts of our lives. If our boundaries are non-existent in the beginning, it can be challenging to reinstate them later on. Dating boundaries can be …

My Top Tip for Dating
let me know if you have already discovered that BEING YOURSELF in a relationship is the only way! This is tricky when we are used to changing who we are to receive love. When as children we have learned to …

10 Things To Say Instead Of Ghosting Someone
Ghosting hurts. A poll on this Instagram account into how ghosting made people feel came up with a myriad of reasons, with the most common being ‘confused’. Ghosting leaves the person being ghosted with a lack of clarity and in …