So many people ask me, “How do I become more assertive?” Being assertive involves facing your fears—whether it’s the fear of rejection, being laughed at, or dismissed. Remember, the more assertive you become, the less resentful you will feel. It’s …
Tag: communication

Relationships Are Built, Not Found.
Intimacy is not measured on a consistent upward continuum. Instead, it is a wiggly upward line. Naturally, there are times in your relationship when you feel more or less connected. More connected – on a date night, with time and …

Family Secrets
Did you have to hold a secret for an adult in your family or keep a secret from the rest of your family? Keeping secrets in families, especially across generations, can harm the family and the secret holder. Take the …

5 Tips for the 5 Stages of a Relationship
One common myth about great relationships is that there are no arguments or disagreements. The Gottman’s, fantastic relationship experts who have done lots of research in this area, disagree. It is NORMAL to have conflict in a relationship; the issue …