Do you bury yourself in work when things get tough? You OVERWORK when you feel threatened to feel SAFE. Work gives you a sense of accomplishment and predictability, unlike relationships. You feel more confident at work than dealing with intense …
Tag: Avoidant adaptation

It Feels SAFER to Avoidant Partners When They
For more information, check out my ‘ATTACHMENT’ highlight on Instagram If you would like to know how to work with this as a couple, check out my book ‘Heal Your Anxious Attachment’. The second half of the book is about …

Ep 25 Nine Tips for Dating If You Are Avoidantly Attached
When you are avoidantly attached, dating can feel like a complete minefield. You might have had people tell you that you are aloof, a closed book, secretive or not open to a relationship, even when you would like a relationship …

I’m Anxious, and My partner is Avoidantly Attached. Will it ever work?
The risk is the reenactment of the original wounds that created your attachment style in the first place. The opportunity here is for deep healing for both of you. Wherever you are on the spectrum, if you are serious about …

7 Questions for the Avoidantly Attached
If you are avoidant and ready to challenge yourself – here are the questions to ask. Remember that for avoidant people, you have learned NOT to reach out for support. Nobody has been there to hold you in the way …

5 Tips for the Avoidantly Attached
Feel free to share this with anyone you know who is working with the avoidant style. If you are working with avoidant attachment, your keyword is CONNECTION. Some questions to ponder, especially during tricky times: How do I hold myself …

Steps Forward in the Anxious/Avoidant Dynamic
We are always learning each other in relationship. We learn about our partner’s history, preferences, triggers and attachment style. And, of course, we are constantly learning about ourselves. Remember that all of the attachment styles exist on a spectrum. That …