ttachment exists on a spectrum, with ‘secure’ in the middle. You might emerge from childhood with more anxious traits in relationships. You might enter a relationship with someone securely attached and find that you are moving on the spectrum towards …
Tag: attachement

Baby Love
Lovely caring little ones, you can feel the safety and connection in each one.

Attachment Trauma
A holistic approach to trauma defines attachment injury/wounding not as an event or a challenged relationship, but rather as a disruption and overwhelm to our body-mind’s capacity to feel safe, secure, cared for, and consistently connected with. Attachment trauma may …

Is It Possible To Change My Attachment Style?
Up until age two, our brain is growing at a furious rate. The neurons are connecting, and the brain is being wired, literally. In the relationship with our primary caregiver (usually the mother), we are being wired for relationship. If …

Anxious Attachment and People Pleasing
If attachment anxiety resonates with you, let me know in the comments. When attachment anxiety takes hold, the instinct to people please and prioritize the needs of others over your own can take over. This behavior is understandable because of …

Why Attachment Matters
IS THIS THE REASON YOU STRUGGLE IN YOUR INTIMATE RELATIONSHIPS? As children, we are like sponges. Our brain grows to 80% of its adult size by the time we are two! At times the neurons are growing at a rate …

Creating a Secure Attachment Style – Corrective Experience (Part 7)
Repair – this is what we are engaged in when we are working with any of the three styles of insecure attachment. The mother (or primary caregiver) has been unresponsive to the child’s needs, or even abusive. The child has …

Creating a Secure Attachment Style – Part 1
One of the ways you can create your own secure base internally and heal from the experience of having an insecure external home base in your mother as a child is through connecting with a powerful part of the self, …

Ambivalent (Anxious) Attachment
All attachment styles are the child’s response to the behaviour of the mother (or primary caregiver). The child’s brain is being wired in certain directions regarding intimate relationships, based on the primary relationship; with the mother. There can be a …