The Integrative Somatic Trauma Healing training with the Embody Lab starts September 24th! I’m just a bit excited! Research has shown the importance of somatics in trauma healing, something I have been using with clients for the last 16 years. …
Category: Wellness
6 Ways to Stimulate the Vagus Nerve For Improved Mental Health
Cold exposure Meditation – increases empathy, focus and reduces anxiety and depression. Slow Breaths – try in for 3 and out for 6 Humming Exercise – increases brain health Laughter – boosts your immune system
Retraumatization in Target Groups
Phase 1 of the trauma healing work is called ‘safety and stabilization’. During this phase of the work, we are helping the client to create safety in their inner and outer lives. This work is difficult when there are genuine …
Coercive Vaccination Through a Trauma-Informed Lens
This is something nobody seems to be talking about. Can we pause and consider? Imagine for a moment that you grew up in an environment where the boundaries around your body were not respected. You had little or no say …
How Close Can I Safely Get?
We all have a subconscious distance in a relationship that we are comfortable with. If we are further away than that distance, we won’t feel comfortable, or if we are closer than that distance, we won’t feel comfortable, and we …
When you block your feelings as a child, to keep yourself safe, you might grow up not knowing who you are
In some environments, children have to block their feelings. Imagine being terrorised in your home, being with someone, a mother, father, sibling, who enjoys seeing fear in you. In these circumstances, it is an act of self-preservation to block your …
Core Wounds
Most of us have what I think of as a ‘core wound’. It might be a belief that I’m never going to be good enough, or that I’m flawed in some way or will always be alone. It is a …
3 Steps For Self-Exploration When Anxious
From my years of working on myself and with my clients, I have come to understand feelings as messengers. I often see them as little children, desperately wanting and needing something from me—the bigger the feeling, the stronger the message. …