
Last week, we had a long weekend in Australia, so we went camping at a beautiful camp about 3 hours south of Sydney (

We had four nights; the first night was only 7 degrees centigrade, so I slept with a hot water bottle and my coat with a hood over my head. 

I read a book (Hagitude by sharon blackie ), which is always a blessing for me. One of my favourite things is to curly up in bed with a wonderful book, but my busy life often stands in the way. 

I saw peacocks, wombats, wallabies and birds. As I read and took day naps, I listened to the river running down the hill and the wind blowing in the trees. Bliss.

I treasure the time I spend in nature. For me, it is time with a form of the Divine. 

I am feeling grateful. 

I hope you find some time to rejuvenate, too.

Love, Jen