The Mixed Messages About Parental Worry

There are so many mixed messages about parental worry. I often hear parents say that they are worried about their children and then say “I know I’m not supposed to be worried. That’s not good for me, or the child”. I think that comes from a fear of being enmeshed with our children. We have this idea that if we worry about our kids, then we are not separate enough. But let’s unpack that. When we love someone and we sense that they are not okay, it’s natural to feel something in the body, anxiety perhaps and to then use the mind to go over the problem to try to find a solution – what we call ‘worry’. So maybe there’s such a thing as healthy and appropriate worry? Maybe in the right measure, it is a normal and healthy expression of interconnectedness, and my desire to support my child and see them thrive? I’m curious to hear what other people think about this – feel free to start a conversation in the comments.