There is so much that our parents didn’t know about life and were simply unable to teach us. Therapy provides a space to learn tools to help with the mini trauma’s life throws at us. When we have experienced trauma …
Tag: therapy

How YOU Can Help Your Therapist
Being in therapy is about forming a relationship based on trust and honesty. The relationship is a safe space for you to practice being vulnerable, honest and open. If you know there is something big you want to share, but …

Where to start when you can’t afford therapy
Therapy can be expensive. But I have always thought of it as a vital part of my own self-care. At times I have gone without some things in order to prioritise my mental health, and it has always paid off. …

Therapy Is Often Uncomfortable
Hard truth – therapy is often uncomfortable. It is also empowering. It is empowering to see ourselves reflected back to us with compassion we may not be able to hold for ourselves. It is empowering to get another perspective on …

How Therapy Can Change Your Life
Research shows that the benefits of therapy are more long lasting than medication alone. Therapy teaches people skills to manage symptoms and help them to address some of the causes of the symptoms. There is no doubt that therapy has …

Personality Disorders Don’t Emerge Out Of Thin Air – In More Cases Than Not, There Is A Complex Trauma History.
Borderline personality disorder (BPD) has “come to be understood as a posttraumatic adaptation to severe childhood abuse and attachment trauma” (Courtoise, 2004). As children in an unsafe environment, it is NORMAL to adapt to that environment to stay safe. That …

When Core Childhood Needs Remain Unmet, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms Result.
When children are raised by attuned parents, they develop a healthy attachment style of relating in intimate relationships. When a child’s needs are not met, the child will develop ‘early maladaptive schemas’ (EMS). This term is used in Schema Therapy, …

It Is Possible To Grieve For Your Childhood AND Appreciate The Good Things About It At The Same Time
So many people have a childhood that needs to be grieved for. It is appropriate to grieve your childhood if: You were parentified You were bullied by a sibling There was a lot of violence There was a lot of …

The Benefits of Self-Awareness
Research has proven the benefits of self-awareness. It has been linked to performance at work and is one of the strongest predictors of personal and organisational success and satisfaction. Dr Tasha Eurich @tashaeurich has conducted extensive research into self-awareness. She …