We can hold our parents’ capacity and history in mind and still wish that our childhood had been different. It’s okay to feel grief for your childhood and be grateful for certain aspects of it. The healing process is often …
Tag: therapy

Family Patterns
This is HOW we repeat intergenerational cycles. We repeat what we grew up with. Deciding to do something different is BRAVE.And often, there is no other option because it has become SO uncomfortable.This is a great time to get support …

Un- Resolved Issues Affect The Present
This is why we end up repeating cycles in our relationships. We unconsciously repeat aspects of our childhood that remain unprocessed in our current relationship—usually the most intimate relationship, whether that is a friendship or partnership. I love to look …

Notice What’s Already Okay
Sometimes I notice that I’m over-focused on what isn’t working or what I think is wrong. It seems that all of the okay things vanish from my awareness in those moments. When I bring them back, even one small thing, …

A Powerful Quote From Stephen Porges.
Trauma is so much more than psychological. Trauma is physiological too. I am so grateful to Stephen Porges and Bessel van Der Kolk for their work in bringing this to the forefront and increasing our understanding of the impact of …