What does it mean to suffer? There are many ways we can suffer. We can suffer physically with pain, mentally with mental illness or rumination, or spiritually with a lack of meaning or moral dilemma. Suffering is part of the …
Tag: Suffering

The Five Components of Compassion
wonder what might stop you from connecting with another person’s suffering? Is it the thought that you will be dragged into their suffering? Is it fear that you will be agreeing with them on some level? Is it fear of …

Often, When People Rage, They Are Suffering
What does it mean to suffer? There are many ways we can suffer. We can suffer physically with pain, mentally with mental illness or rumination, or spiritually with a lack of meaning or moral dilemma. Suffering is part of the …

The Five Components of Compassion
Compassion is an orientation towards suffering. It is how we meet the suffering of others and our suffering. Recognising suffering Understanding the human experience of suffering as universal Emotionally connecting with the other person’s suffering Being able to tolerate uncomfortable …

The Benefits of Mindfullness Meditation
Coming to a place of mindfulness is really about bringing our awareness into the present. So often we are physically present, but mentally somewhere completely different. When we are connected to our body, thorough mindful breath or mindful walking, we …

How to Enhance Compassion
What to do if we find it hard to be Compassionate Compassion is a virtue, which means, “to suffer together”. Put that way it does not sound very appealing! However in all the major religions compassion is talked about as …