“If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete.” | Jack Kornfield
Tag: self-compassion

Self-awareness and Compassion
To increase self-acceptance, we need to cultivate more self-compassion. Self-compassion is an attitude of kindness toward ourselves. It takes into account the circumstances and history involved in any situation. Self-compassion does not make excuses; it acknowledges that in any given …

The Purpose of Self Criticism
The antidote to self-criticism is self-compassion. We can learn self-compassion. The outstanding researcher Dr Kristin Neff @neffselfcompassion has broken down self-compassion and has a suite of excellent tools to help increase our self-compassion quota. Compassion and Acceptance is also Module …

The Role of Self-Criticism
The antidote to self-criticism is self-compassion. We can learn self-compassion. The outstanding researcher Dr Kristin Neff has broken down self-compassion and has a suite of excellent tools to help increase our self-compassion quota. Compassion and Acceptance is also Module 5 …