Chronic loneliness is not a diagnosis. It is a term used to describe loneliness experienced over a long period. This can happen for many different reasons. It might be that you grew up as an only child with a parent …
Tag: Loneliness

I’m a natural introvert. For me, that means that I enjoy time to myself. When I feel tired, my natural inclination is to rest and spend time alone. This allows me to focus on and nurture myself. I don’t have …

9 Signs You Grew Up Chronically Lonely
Chronic loneliness is not a diagnosis. It is a term used to describe loneliness experienced over a long period. This can happen for many different reasons. It might be that you grew up as an only child with a parent …

Does Loneliness Lead to Depression?
I love to see the research! This was Cacioppo’s question in the early 2000s. In one of many studies, he took 135 lonely people, divided them into groups A and B, and asked them to complete an in-depth personality test. …

What Kind of Relationship Struggles Are You Facing During the Pandemic
Here is a list of everything you shared with me in the last 24 hours when I asked, ‘what kind of relationship struggles are you facing during the pandemic?’ A few of them showed up again and again; missing physical …

Does Depression Lead to Loneliness or Does Loneliness Lead to Depression?
Does depression lead to loneliness or does loneliness lead to depression? This was Cacioppo’s question in the early 2000’s. In one of many studies he took 135 lonely people, divided them into group A and group B and asked them …