Sometimes we need to reality-check our relationship. It is okay to want a relationship. Humans are social creatures, we are hard-wired for connection. But sometimes we can want it so badly that we ignore the red flags and we make …
Tag: Limerence

5 Things to Ground you In Reality in your Relationship
If you are wondering if you are In Limmerence, it could be time to have a reality check. Are they honest? Are they transparent? Do they hold themselves accountable? Do they live morally? Are your values aligned? Do you feel …

Limerence a State of Love Sickness
Limerence was first identified by the psychologist Dorothy Tennov in the 1970s in her book, Love and Limerence: The Experience of Being In Love. When we fall into infatuation, we don’t see clearly, and we risk ignoring obvious red flags. …