For all the times you have cried and shamed yourself! Here is some permission. Crying is a natural response to many situations. It relieves stress, it effectively self-soothes and brings the parasympathetic nervous system online. It releases oxytocin and endorphins, …
Tag: Human experience

The Separation of the Body and the Mind
BOOM! And herein lies a fundamental problem. Enter Descartes in the 17th Century and the idea of the mind and the body being separate, providing the foundation for the biomedical model for the next three centuries. I feel we are …

When We Excpect To Only Feel Happiness, We Set Ourselves Up To Fail.
Experiencing emotions is part of being human. When we expect to only feel the ‘positive’ emotions we set ourselves up to fail. Part of the work is to find a place of comfort with all of our emotions. It’s a …