Healing isn’t a prerequisite for love; it’s a journey you embark on together. You don’t have to be fully healed to find or nurture a fulfilling relationship. What matters is the commitment to grow, to learn, and to evolve as …
Tag: healthy relationship

The Couple Bubble as the Secure Home Base
What’s your experience of being in a ‘couple bubble’? Let me know in the comments. Love, Jen

A Beautiful Quote from Yung Pueblo
Friendship is standing side-by-side and weathering the storm.

A Great Friendship
A great friendship is a gift. It is finding the people who resonate with us. Who seem to understand who we are. If you are looking for YOUR people, don’t give up. With 7.7 billion people in the world – …

How do you let your children know you love them? I ask! I ask if they feel loved. I say, “if you were to feel a little bit more loved by me today, what would happen, or what would I …

How the Flight Trauma Response Can Show Up In An Argument
When we are in conflict, it is easy to be triggered into an automatic trauma response. Why? Maybe our partner is triggering a flashback to an old situation Maybe their tone of voice feels threatening Maybe the way they gestured …

Boundaries Are A Love Language
When we have grown up with few boundaries and been taught that boundaries are selfish, it can be challenging to put them in place as an adult. It can be challenging to know what is appropriate, what you need, and …

What is “New Relationship Anxiety”?
Anxiety is usually protective. It is trying to stop us from being hurt. Feeling some anxiety at the beginning of a new relationship is quite common. When we enter a new relationship, we start to dance with vulnerability. Vulnerability requires …