“Have you ever met someone who mirrors all the good things you like about yourself: the same values, interests, thoughts, or feelings? You instantly hit it off, becoming best of friends. If so, you may have met your kindred spirit. …
Tag: Friendship

Healing Community
I live healing. It is a big, integrated part of my life, not just something I do for work. I also do it for fun. You might be thinking, “for fun?” What? I have been staying with my friend Laura …

Strong Friendships are the Secret to Relationship Success
When there is a strong friendship, repairs in the relationship work better. In the Gottman’s book “The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work” (1999), they talk about the importance of repairs. In any relationship, we have to expect to have …

A Beautiful Quote from Yung Pueblo
Friendship is standing side-by-side and weathering the storm.

A Great Friendship
A great friendship is a gift. It is finding the people who resonate with us. Who seem to understand who we are. If you are looking for YOUR people, don’t give up. With 7.7 billion people in the world – …

The Qualities of ‘Great Friendships’
Truly great friendships are worth their weight in gold and stand the test of time. When I think of my ‘great friendships’, I think of my family of choice. I think about the natural connectedness of the ‘villages’ we lived …

The Secret to Relationship Success: A Strong Friendship
When there is a strong friendship, repairs in the relationship work better. In the Gottman’s book “The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work” (1999), they talk about the importance of repairs. In any relationship, we have to expect to have …

The Benefits of Practicing Empathy
Empathy is the ability to understand how others are feeling and show compassion towards them. It is the ability to imagine what someone else’s life is like, to stand in their shoes and feel what they feel, from their point …