Saying sorry is important when it is done with sincerity and when real actions are taken to make amends and to right the wrong that was done. An apology can be a powerful gift for both the giver and the …
Tag: effective communication

The 5 Key Components of Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
Emotional intelligence, emotional quotient (EQ), is the ability to understand and process your emotions in a positive way to release stress, empathise with others, communicate effectively and work through conflicts. Researchers have spent a lot of time focusing on the …

Calming Phrases To Use During Conflict
Every relationship, at some point, is going to have conflict. How well we deal with the dispute and make repairs can significantly influence the relationship and its longevity.When we are in conflict it is only natural that we will make …

How to Shift a Criticism into a Complaint for More Effective Communication
If you grew up with a lot of criticism around you, as an adult it is likely that you have a loud critical voice in your head. Usually that critical voice is directed inwards, but in intimate relationships, many people …