Most of the time, our lives unfold within a safe range of arousal—a state where we can function well, regulate our emotions, feel grounded, and stay mentally present.
As we encounter daily challenges, our arousal levels fluctuate, sometimes feeling like anxiety. This is a natural response, essentially our body’s alarm system signalling potential threats.
But what happens when our internal alarms become too sensitive? We may be overwhelmed by emotions, tipping into a hyperaroused state where our fight-or-flight response takes over.
Each person’s ‘window of tolerance’ varies, influenced by internal and external conditions. For instance, stress from work or lack of sleep can significantly narrow this window, reducing what we can comfortably handle.
Consider this in children, too: a child who is hungry, sleep-deprived, and then experiences a fall is likely to react more intensely than if they were well-fed and rested. The event pushes them beyond their window of tolerance, appearing as an ‘overreaction.’
As adults, it’s similar for us. Understanding what triggers and shrinks our window of tolerance can foster greater self-compassion when we find ourselves in hyperarousal.
Stay tuned! Tomorrow, I’ll share tips on how to manage and reduce arousal, helping you return to your window of tolerance.
Love, Jen