
Self-awareness is awareness of the self rather than the external environment. It is a process of assessing how you align with your internal ideals and values. It is also the ability to know how your actions impact others. ⁣⁠

Self-awareness is positively correlated with higher happiness levels and is something you can practice and increase.⁣⁠

⁣⁠As a therapist, I help people become more self-aware and curious about themselves. This is easy for me because I have been curious about myself ever since I can remember. ⁣⁠

⁣Someone once asked me if I thought being self-reflective was indulgent. For me, it is not. Being self-reflective is part of being human, part of being a responsible human. I value self-awareness, so I need to be self-reflective if I am to have self-awareness.⁣⁠

⁣I find value in reflecting on my words and actions, feeling my triggers, and knowing how my history impacts me when I am stressed. When I know myself, I can pause in the moment, understand my emotions and triggers, and make informed decisions.⁣⁠

Self-awareness did not arrive overnight, and suddenly, I was totally self-aware—not at all! Self-awareness is an unending journey into myself. It is like getting to know myself as my own best friend. I am curious and aware. I still surprise myself, get disappointed in myself, and feel proud of myself. ⁣⁠

When I imagine a world of self-aware, self-reflective people, I imagine a softer, more peaceful, healthier planet.⁣⁠

⁣⁠Let me know what you think about this.⁣⁠

Love, Jen