Feeling hyperaroused can mean being overwhelmed with energy, manifesting as anxiety, panic, or the urge to flee—classic signs of your body kicking into fight or flight mode. This state makes relaxation challenging, affecting sleep and digestion.
Here’s a tip to help you find calm: focus on where your body makes contact with the ground. Whether it’s your tummy, the base of your spine, or your feet, find your spot. This can become a grounding spot for you, a stable base to return to during stress and disconnect.
Make this spot a go-to resource to feel grounded and reclaim your calm during moments of disconnection.
Love, Jen

References Pat Ogden (2009), Modulation, mindfulness, and movement in the treatment of trauma-related depression. Dan Siegel (1999), The Developing Mind, New York: Guilford. Elizabeth A. Stanley (2019), Widen the Window, Boulder, Colorado: Random House