This phrase hit me as I read today: “filtering the world” for our children and exposing them to more and more of it as they are ready to handle more. Ideally.
How do you know what they are ready for? It’s often intuitive. I explain a little more and listen to their questions in response. I always find it interesting what things they barely notice and what things initiate a lot of questioning.
Then there are the things that come too soon or should never come: the death of a parent, bullying, or being hurt in a myriad of different ways. How do you hold your children through these things?
Lean in.
Be there.
Lean in in every way you can.
Get support for you and your child.
But most of all, let them know you are there, they are not alone, and they are loved.
Lean in.
Be there.
With you on this parenting ride,