Celebrating: The Importance of Birthdays for My Inner Child

I love to celebrate birthdays. It’s not something I grew up with, so I like to make them special as an adult, for me and for everyone around me.

Each time I celebrate a birthday, it’s like I’m telling my little girl inside how special she is. She feels me planning for my birthday, thinking about what I would like, what will make the day feels special to her. She feels cared for and important to me. I feel a warmth in my chest as I write this. She feels my love.

So today I’m in Ubud, Bali; one of my favourite places. I plan to get up and have breakfast and then we are heading out as a family to get massages in the countryside. Then we are having lunch with a friend of mine who lives here at the beautiful Zest. Then for some time reading by the pool…

Wherever you are today – do something special for your inner child, no matter how small.

Love, Jen – another year older and wiser