Have you ever wondered if you would have marched with Martin Luther King in the American Civil Right Movement? I would like to think I would have marched. Now is the time to march. HOW you march it is up …
Category: Healing
Intergenerational Trauma
Intergenerational trauma is real. Trauma is passed down through family lines. When a member of a family experiences a trauma, such as being raised by an alcoholic, experiencing slavery or the Holocaust, these traumas have biological and behavioural impacts on …
The Johari Window
Do the work – What is the work around race for me as a white person? For me it is the same as all of the therapeutic work. It is being brave enough to look within, to search myself FIRST. …
Let’s Look At Some of The Statistics:
I am posting these statistics because I wanted to see them laid out before me. There is a problem, not only in the US, but also in Australia and the UK. Questioning our privileges, biases, and looking at racism within …
How to Work With The Critical Inner Voice
Does your critical inner voice make you want to take a holiday from yourself? Did you grow up with critical parents? What were the comments that you heard? Did you get: You look fat in that. Nobody values you, why …
How Fear Stops Us Connecting in Relationships
Deep listening involves: Imagining your partners world – Stepping into their shoes Hearing your partner – you don’t have to agree with what they are saying but take a moment to really HEAR them in a new way. Seeing the …
How do we Stop Arguing About the Same Thing?
Have you found yourself in relationship arguing about the same thing over and over with no outcome? If your answer is yes, you are not alone. Research has found that 69% of couples’ areas of disagreement are about UNRESOLVABLE problems. …
How to Develop a Strong Sense of Self
Discovering who we are and what our values are takes time and is an ever-evolving phenomenon. It is even harder in a culture where there are strong ideas about what we ‘should’ value, what we ‘should’ aspire to, even what …
Don’t Make Excuses for Your Needs
You may have grown up in an environment where it was not okay to have needs. It may be that your needs were denied and so you shut them down. As an adult you may judge yourself as weak for …