10 Signs You Have a Father Wound

Much of the mental health and psychology literature has focused on the mother and the mother’s attachment. But what about our fathers?⁣

⁣As children, we need a healthy father figure. It doesn’t have to be a biological father. It could be an uncle, an older brother, or a neighbour. We need a father figure to learn what it feels like to be loved in a healthy way by a man.⁣⁠⁣

Boys need it to learn how to be loving, compassionate men, and girls need it to know what it feels like to be genuinely, unconditionally loved by a man. ⁣⁠⁣

So many people experienced fathers who lived with them but were completely unavailable emotionally.

Having an unavailable father usually provokes one of two reactions.⁣⁠⁣

1)Push him away, “I don’t need his love”. Here, we punish him, withdraw and close down. Maybe we become rebellious and act out in different ways.⁣⁠⁣

⁣⁠⁣2)Chase him: “If I do this or that, I will be good enough, and he will love me.” This results in the performing child, the overachieving child, and the good girl. Here, there is a tendency to lose oneself to what we imagine Dad wants us to be. We abandon ourselves.⁣⁠⁣

As adults, we can continue this behaviour with men, either pushing them away when our needs are unmet or chasing them and doing anything for approval and affection. ⁣⁠Whichever you choose, there is a cause-and-effect, and so a cycle is repeated.⁣

You CAN break the cycle.

Please let me know how the father wound shows up for you in the comments.⁣

P.S. If you resonate with the father wound, this is a topic we will be exploring in more depth in my upcoming ‘Relationship Cycle Breaker’ course. To learn more, go to the link, ‘Relationship Cycle Breaker Course’.⁣

⁣Love on your healing journey, Jen