Like so many people who haven’t seen their family in years, I haven’t seen my mum in two and a half years. She lives in the UK and I live in Australia, on the opposite side of the world. We usually meet up once or twice a year for 3 weeks or more, but not for the last few years because of the pandemic.
I have been a bit quiet on this platform about the trip. I can feel some worry about traveling, about the paperwork and rules. When I feel the worry, I acknowledge it, I feel it in my upper chest, the fear that I won’t be allowed to board for some reason and I let it know that there is a level of uncertainty, but that I will deal with whatever happens. Then I imagine myself with my boarding pass, about the board the plane. Then I see myself disembarking in London. Then I see myself hugging my mum outside our house. That makes me feel better.