Research has proven the benefits of self-awareness. It has been linked to performance at work and is one of the strongest predictors of personal and organisational success and satisfaction. Dr Tasha Eurich has conducted extensive research into self-awareness. She says …
Tag: self-esteem

Give Up Being Right
Research in relationships shows that men find it more difficult than women to accept influence from their partners (see J. Gottman’s research). But, let’s face it, we can all love to win, and we are living in a culture that …

Having To Be Right
Have you ever been in a relationship with someone who has to be right all the time? It can be so frustrating. Even when there is evidence that they are wrong, they won’t openly say, “oh, I was wrong”, they …

Advantages of Assertiveness
Assertiveness is when we have strong self-esteem and maintain healthy boundaries. Assertive communication is direct and clear and makes space for the other person. When we are assertive, we tend to experience less anxiety and depression because we can stand …

Research Proves Benefits Of Gratitude
The word gratitude comes from the Latin gratia, meaning grace or gratefulness. Its root is linked to kindness, beauty and giving (Emmons & Shelton, 2002). We can express gratitude towards others or something greater than self (like nature or Source) …

Gaslighting At Work
I have seen gaslighting at work destroy lives and create total misery. Gaslighting is a power game and a form of emotional abuse, where one person’s version of reality is denied by denying facts, memories, their interpretation of events, or …

How to Stop Gaslighting
One of the main things to be aware of with people who use gaslighting is BOUNDARIES. When you know it is black and they say it is white, and you know there is no point wasting your energy arguing that …

How To Spot Gaslighting
I thought it might be useful to see a list of things you might experience if you are living with gaslighting. This is not meant as a diagnostic tool of any kind, purely information.