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Tag: Community

Couples and Isolation
There has never been so much pressure placed on the couple. We are supposed to be one another’s confidant, best friend, lover, the person we share all our chores with, work out our finances with, and share child rearing with. …

11 Ways to Support Yourself as a ‘Cycle Breaker’
A cycle breaker in a family consciously chooses to develop different ways of communicating, interacting, living and thinking to their family of origin. This can start at a very young age, knowing early that you just think differently, or are …

A Great Friendship
A great friendship is a gift. It is finding the people who resonate with us. Who seem to understand who we are. If you are looking for YOUR people, don’t give up. With 7.7 billion people in the world – …

Does Depression Lead to Loneliness or Does Loneliness Lead to Depression?
Does depression lead to loneliness or does loneliness lead to depression? This was Cacioppo’s question in the early 2000’s. In one of many studies he took 135 lonely people, divided them into group A and group B and asked them …

Trauma and Staying Connected
When we have experienced a trauma there might be an impulse to push people away, to feel shame around the trauma. To feel as though “I should be stronger than this”, or “why is this still affecting me? What is …