I read this week about 29 survivors who had all attempted suicide by jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge. ALL of them regretted their decision to jump AS SOON AS THEY JUMPED.
In another article, Dr. Freedenthal found that of 515 people who intended to kill themselves and were stopped by police, only 7% had gone on to kill themselves. This shows that the feeling of wanting to suicide DOES pass. That it is a particular moment, and in that moment, you need help.
Warning signs are not always obvious and will vary. Some people will tell others about what they are planning, and other people will keep it a secret.
If you are struggling with suicidal thoughts and feelings, please seek help. It is so easy to think that nobody can help you, that you are alone with your feelings, but this is not true.
Please talk to a friend, a doctor or counsellor. In Australia you can also call Lifeline: 13 11 14.
I will be following up this week with the warning signs and how to have a conversation with someone you are worried about.

References: Speaking of Suicide Golden Gate Suicide attempts